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发布时间:2018-7-16 11:23:42 点击次数:


时间:2010-11-1 8:22:58  来源:北京市中银律所上海分所高级合伙人吴滨律师  点击:238


Circular on Issues Concerning Pilot Investment in Inter-bank Bond Market with RMB by Three Types of Institutions Including Overseas RMB Liquidation Banks, issued by People’s Bank of China on August, 17th, allows pilot investment in inter-bank bond market by relating overseas entities, and verifies and regulates the range, the market accessing of overseas entities, the mode of investment and operation and other matters in the period of pilot investment.


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北京中银上海律所地址:上海市浦东新区世纪大道88号金茂大厦9楼 咨询热线:021-68871140

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